Start to grow your business today!

Register now and start implementing compliant and best practice Human Resources to support your business growth. Stop talking about it, lets do it.

  • Full access to module content.

  • Downloadable workbook to complete alongside the module including tasks to get you started in your business.

  • Access to additional reading via our blogs, editable resources and templates

  • Ongoing access to human resources updates and resources via our regular newsletter.

What’s covered across the 6 modules of the course?

EVERYTHING you need to build an effective human resources framework that will elevate your business and brand to attract, retain and motivate your employees.

Module curriculum

Module #2 - Planning for your Business' Human Resources Needs

    1. Welcome

    2. Workbook - Planning

    3. Privacy Statement

    4. Course Learning Outcomes

    1. Planning for your workforce needs

    2. Your Human Resources Strategy

    1. Workforce Planning

    2. Identify Future Business Needs

    3. Define your Current Workforce

    4. Gaps in your Workforce

    5. Addressing the Gaps

    1. Succession Planning

    2. Identify Key Positions in your Business

    3. Assessment of the Potential for Vacancies and Disruption

    4. Assessment of the Readiness of Current Employees

    5. Identifying and Addressing Gaps in your Workforce

    1. Understanding your Business’ Human Resources Compliance Requirements

    2. Industry Specific Award

    3. National Employment Standards

    4. Additional Compliance Information

    5. Workplace Policies and Procedures

    1. Human Resources Reporting

    2. Workforce Data

    3. Technology

About this course

  • $150.00
  • 29 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Why do this course?

  • Upskill your knowledge

    Upskill your Human Resources knowledge to build a framework which enables the current and future needs of your business.

  • Information

    Access to additional reading via our blog, editable resources and templates, as well as specific tasks to get you started.

  • Cost Effective

    A cost effective way to implement best practice and compliant Human Resources in your business at your own pace.

Start today from as little as AU$399!

Build and grow the business of your dreams!